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Nancy Young Nancy Young is offline
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Default Costco death squad

"Gregory Morrow" > wrote

> Yep, at my regular store they often just put samples out to paw over, I
> cringe when I see people sampling the stuff. More than once I've seen
> people take a half - bite out of something and then put it back...

This place near me, Delicious Orchards, has taken to putting out
cut up fruit under plastic domes. I think this is in self-defense, people
think nothing of grabbing a bunch of cherries and snacking on them
as they walk around the store. You know, under the guise of checking
out if they're any good. So they slice up oranges or peaches and put it
out for people to try. Also cheeses, but they always did that.

Oddly enough, when I read the paper yesterday afternoon, there
was a whole article about samples. They have a picture of both
Delicious Orchards and Costco. One thing it mentions about Costco
is that, if you are going to buy something, it's a big bag of it, so you
better know if you're going to like it. They have a point.

> I have a general aversion to salad bars, buffets, bulk goods with
> open/accessible bins, bar snacks, olive bars, etc., soooo...

I understand. I make exceptions but I just have to forget about
it sometimes. Once in a while, the buffet or salad bar.

> I have trouble enough *myself* managing to stay half - way hygienic/clean
> in
> this urban life, I'm not taking on any added extra "burdens", lol...

(laugh) Ah, the burden of society. I get what you're saying. I went to
a BBQ place a few weeks ago, the salad bar was a little weak, but I
had a good view of it. I saw this guy walk up, sneeze into his hand,
then use that hand to pick up the serving tongs. Sigh. He was well
old enough to know better.
