"sandi" > ha scritto nel messaggio
> "Pandora" > wrote in
> :
>> "sandi" > ha scritto nel messaggio
>> enews.net...
>>> "Pandora" > wrote in
>>> :
>>>> Finally I have a wooden stamp to make "Corzetti liguri" , a
>>>> typicql ligure pasta. These stamps are very rare because
>>>> there are very few artisans who make them. I was lucky
>>>> because on internet I have found an artisan, and yesterday
>>>> he brought to me this stamp.
>>>> http://i18.tinypic.com/503bbfa.jpg
>>>> http://i9.tinypic.com/4z2tvrc.jpg
>>>> With this stamp I have made this pasta (called "Corzetti")
>>>> http://i11.tinypic.com/5zdc38z.jpg
>>> Looks wonderful Pandora. How long did it take to make from
>>> beginning to end?
>>> Thank you
>> Very few time! less than when I make fettuccini by hand .
>> About 1 hour to make all.!
>> Thank you.
> Thank you for the recipe and wonderful pictures.
> :-)
Thank you! You are very kind.