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Nancy Young Nancy Young is offline
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Default Costco death squad

"Michael "Dog3" Lonergan" > wrote

> "Nancy Young" > dropped this turd

>> That's my general plan, I'm not much for crowds, especially those that
>> are easily avoided. I have a friend who goes shopping the day after
>> Thanksgiving because it's a tradition. I think, what, traditional
>> Nightmare?

> Bleh... My SIL *always* goes shopping the day after T'giving. Tradition
> schmadition. She can have it. <<<shudder>>> I have visions of hundreds
> of glittery Santa Claus sweatered warriors fighting over sale items while
> screaming into their cell phones.

This store chain used to have One Day sales, people just went nuts
for them. The place would be mobbed. I'd say, how much would I
actually save to make it worth it? Waiting in those lines??

> I don't have a Costco close to me but I like our Sam's Club. I went once
> on a Sunday afternoon. Never again.

Heh, I learned that once by going to Costco on a Saturday morning in the
spring. I said Never Again. Don't know why I chanced it yesterday,
I don't ever.

> People were lining up at the food
> demo carts. I mean literally lining up and blocking the aisles as the
> line continued to grow.

I believe you. And they get into a zone where they are so
focused on the food they don't realize they are blocking
everything, if not actually running you over to get to the

Me, I go to the store to shop. Samples are not my thing,
I'm to busy trying to remember that elusive item I know I forgot
to put on my list.

> It amazed me that people would wait 20 minutes,
> in line, for a small taste of crab salad or whatever. I noticed the
> pizza line was the longest. I have Sam's Club rules which I follow
> religiously. Never go on a weekend... ever... unless absolutely
> necessary. On weekdays go at 10am. It's not too crowded and one can
> browse around in peace and quiet.

Ditto. If you don't have to, why not go when it's quiet, some people
don't have a choice but to shop on the weekends, why not make it a
little easier for them?
