Thread: Whatta dinner!
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Stan Horwitz[_2_] Stan Horwitz[_2_] is offline
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Default Whatta dinner!

In article >,
"Nancy Young" > wrote:

> Husked some corn and put the husks in the bottom of a dutch oven.
> Piled on the corn. Added an inch of water and got that boiling to steam
> the corn. After a while, put king crab legs on top of the corn, continue
> steaming.
> Boy, was that good.

Not being a seafood lover, that sort of dinner doesn't appeal to me, but
I did have a different sort of dinner last night with some friends. A
few of us went out to a Hungarian restaurant called Paprika, which is in
a little Pennsylvania town called Hellertown.

I had beef paprikash over Hungarian noodles. The noodles were okay, but
I left most of them because they are just empty carbs, but the beef was
outstanding. It was in a tomato sauce and very tender. I also had one
pierogi and a cup of chicken noodle soup, both of which were excellent.

Two friends ordered breaded pork chops, which were huge. Two on a plate.
They each ate one and took the other home. One other friend got
Hungarian meatloaf, which he said was fine. The meatloaf and pork chops
came with mashed potoatoes and string beans. I tasted some of the
potatoes and string beans. The string beans were average; just out of a
can. The mashed potatoes were home made and very good. Another friend
had the chicken paprikash, which I also tasted and liked. One friend's
14 year old son got a bacon cheese burger, which looked good, even
though the poor kid didn't put any ketchup on it at all!