Costco death squad
"Nancy Young" > wrote in message
. ..
> "Gregory Morrow" > wrote
>> Yep, at my regular store they often just put samples out to paw over, I
>> cringe when I see people sampling the stuff. More than once I've seen
>> people take a half - bite out of something and then put it back...
> This place near me, Delicious Orchards, has taken to putting out
> cut up fruit under plastic domes. I think this is in self-defense, people
> think nothing of grabbing a bunch of cherries and snacking on them
> as they walk around the store. You know, under the guise of checking
> out if they're any good. So they slice up oranges or peaches and put it
> out for people to try. Also cheeses, but they always did that.
Kroger does that. Puts out cheese and turkey/ham cubes, melon chunks, pieces
of bread, tortilla chips (to dip into a salsa), etc. under those plastic
domes. I guess the domes act as a kind of sneeze/spit guard, but people can
still reach in and touch a bunch of food that they don't actually take out
to sample.
> (laugh) Ah, the burden of society. I get what you're saying. I went to
> a BBQ place a few weeks ago, the salad bar was a little weak, but I
> had a good view of it. I saw this guy walk up, sneeze into his hand,
> then use that hand to pick up the serving tongs. Sigh. He was well
> old enough to know better.