Costco death squad
> Yep, at my regular store they often just put samples out to paw over, I
> cringe when I see people sampling the stuff. More than once I've seen
> people take a half - bite out of something and then put it back...
That's bad. But, still I can't stand the fact that they put down a whole
sheet of paper, put the goodies on it, the person picks it up -- oh, those
dirty fingernails, where have they been? -- then she puts a new goob down
exactly on top where the last person has picked it up.
A sample-person laid one down on top of one that a person just picked up,
and told me that that was hot, that I could take it; I explained that I
didn't want one that was set on top of the previous missing one. Boy, talk
about a hornet!
But I've stopped taking samples for the most part unless I see a clean
little square for each one; then I take a good look at the server. Is she
coughing? etc. It's absolutely not worth it just to taste a product.
Usually I shop on a full stomach so I don't worry about getting full-up.
Dee Dee