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Dee Dee Dee Dee is offline
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Posts: 2,463
Default Corzetti liguri (Pasta stampata)

"Pandora" > wrote in message
>> Thank you for the recipe and wonderful pictures.

> Thank you! You are very kind.
> --
> Kisses
> Pandora

I noticed that you put quite a few corzetti into the boiling pan on top of
one another. I was told that these type of 'ravioli" should all be
separated; but yours didn't seem to have a problem.

Pandora, I was noticing your method of making dough on the granite counter.
Your granite pattern is one that I have a sample of, so I noticed it right
away. I see that you use the granite for rolling, and the board to put the
corzetti on.
How wide is the granite that your prepare you dough. Is it the standard
24-25"? Is it your counter and not a separate table?
Thanks sooooo much.
Dee Dee