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encat encat is offline
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Posts: 5
Default Welches White Grape Raspberry Wine

This also will bring a nice twist to some of your other wines. I little
while back I had made a batch of crabapple wine and a container of this in a
5 gal carboy during the 2nd fermantation brought a real nice finish and
light color to the wine. Doesn't sound fancy but it didn't stick around

"braafn8r" > wrote in message
>I just recently started this wine based on Jack Keller's recipe and
> since there are many posts on the topic I thought I would share my
> experiences with making this one. I'll start by stating that this is
> the first wine I've made, I've been brewing beers for 10 years, making
> wine is much different than brewing beer.
> I started with two 11.5 oz cans of welches white grape raspberry 100%
> juice concentrate and added 3 cups of white table sugar, yeast
> nutrient, and yeast energizer, no pectic, no acid, I mixed all that up
> with the sugar dissolved in a quart of boiling water for a total
> volume of 5 liters, the starting gravity was 1.084, I rehydrated and
> pitched one packet of Lalvin K1-1116 yeast which according to lalvin
> has tolerance of 18% which I read after I pitched and got concerend
> that it would end up way too dry since I was looking for something
> semi-sweet. After 8 days I racked to secondary and took an SG
> reading, it was 0.990, since I was curious I tried some like I always
> do with beer at every racking, it was yeasty, and quite hot, but the
> finish was very fruity a little tart and a tad sweet, I know it's got
> at least 2 months to go, but from what I tasted after 8 days, I'm
> pretty excited about this wine, it's dry but fruity and sweet enough
> to my tastes, of course you have to get past the yeasty smell and the
> hotness of the alcohol first which I'm assuming will tame down as time
> goes on, I'll continue to post my progress as I do additional rackings.