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Pandora Pandora is offline
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Default Corzetti liguri (Pasta stampata)

"Dee Dee" > ha scritto nel messaggio
>>> Pandora, I was noticing your method of making dough on the granite
>>> counter. Your granite pattern is one that I have a sample of, so I
>>> noticed it right away. I see that you use the granite for rolling, and
>>> the board to put the corzetti on.

>> Oh no. It was just for the pics. For making dough I generally use the
>> rolling board
>>> How wide is the granite that your prepare you dough. Is it the standard
>>> 24-25"? Is it your counter and not a separate table?

>> The granite slab is 1,181 inches thick and is separated from the wooden
>> table which is under it. Wooden table hasn't the shelf and under the
>> granite there is nothing.

> Pandora, thanks. I want to create a space for myself to make bread and
> many other things (all using flour) that I want to make. The main trouble
> is that my kitchen does not have enough work space. I already have a
> stainless steel table in the middle of the kitchen which I like to use,
> but the stainless steel table is too narrow to use for making bread and
> pastries; the flour goes all over the floor immediately.

Yes. I think granite is the best. It is also very good for making puffy
pastry (to avoid healing...)

> I took a picture for you to see of a table that I'm thinking about using.
> This table is in an adjoining room to the kitchen. Opened, it is 53 x 45;

It seems very long. But I don't understand the measure unit. Are they
If yes it is similar to mine. I thinck that granite is too heavy for that you should put the wooden board.

able to put my mixer on the
> table, if I chose.
> What would you choose for it? granite or wood?

I think that if it is a fixed thing, it is ok granite. If you have to move
it every time, you should prefer the wood.

and forth. One has an upper lip
> on the farthest edge, I guess to keep the flour from roaming around. But
> this will not be much help ;-)

When I cook the flour goes everywhere. I know it. But I don't mind

> Thank you, Pandora.
> Dee Dee