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Blair P. Houghton Blair P. Houghton is offline
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Default Is there a trick to trimming Hanger Steaks

Mark Thorson > wrote:
>"Blair P. Houghton" wrote:
>> Never bought one raw. Google has some pictures, including
>> this comparison of a skirt (left) and hanger (right).
>> I'm pretty sure the hanger there is trimmed for cooking.
>> So is the skirt. You don't want to remove that fat; you
>> just slit it.

>Huh! The "hanger" steak picture in that web page
>looks exactly like what I've bought as a "flatiron"

You know, looking again, I think you're right.
It does look like a flatiron.

>But wikipedia says they are NOT the same

Flatiron is a trick cut from the shoulder area. Hanger is
diaphragm. Not even close to the same thing.

>And the picture in wikipedia of a flatiron
>steak does not look like what I've bought as an
>alleged flatiron steak. From the descriptions,
>it looks like a hanger steak is superior to a
>flatiron steak, so I was not at all cheated.

The Hanger steak pic shows the two halves still joined
at the tough bit.

Here's what Niman Ranch sells as a Hanger. I think this
one has been split. It looks more like what comes out on
the plate at the places I've had it. I couldn't tell you
if the small patches of silverskin need to be removed. I
may need to order one and try it. But then I'd have to make
