Just for the sheer hell of it, here's a nice rice recipe:
Couple of glugs of good olive pil in the bottom of a heavy pot.
1 small shallot and two cloves garlic, fine dice
1 cup rice
Heat on med-high and stir until shallot is translucent and rice begins
to brown
Add 2 cups water and turn heat to high
Add 1 TBS turmeric
Cover pot and bring to boil; when boiling turn heat to low and set
timer for 15 mins.
Do not remove cover until timer goes off
When timer goes off add 1 cup frozen green peas and a knob of butter
Set timer for 5 more minutes
When time goes off, fluff with fork and serve. Deeelicious alone, or
with shredded roast chicken, fat golden raisins, and toasted slivered
almonds added.
Nova Scotia, Canada
"I'm still here, you *******s!"