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Christine Dabney Christine Dabney is offline
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Default Brown sugar vs Maple Syrup?

Hello all,

I am homecuring some bacon.
I just got pink salt from, to make a dry cure and
I made the basic dry cure from Charcuterie, by Michael Ruhlman.

To that cure, to make my own bacon, I can add either brown sugar, or
maple syrup. This is for a sweeter bacon. If I want a more savory
bacon, I add garlic, peppercorns and bay leaves. Right now,I am
going with the sweeter bacon. I will also smoke this after it has
cured for about a week or a bit more.

I am trying to decide between the maple syrup, or brown sugar now. I
have both on hand. Being the indecisive person that I can be
sometime, I am having a hard time deciding. I am trying to remember
if I have had bacon with either a brown sugar or maple cure.

Any preferences amongst all of you?

I will try them all at some point, but right now I only have one slab
of pork belly and this is my first attempt at curing bacon.
