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Blinky the Shark Blinky the Shark is offline
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Default Best Homemade Southern Biscuits Ever!

Julia Altshuler wrote:
> jmcquown wrote:
>> I still have that bottle; when I'm going to travel I fill it up with
>> tap water and take it with me

> That's what I do. I am, however, horrible about remembering to wash
> the bottle, and that's important. I don't know what it is. It's not
> like I forget to wash dishes or drinking glasses. Then I drink from a
> water bottle, come in the house, put it aside, and don't think to
> empty and wash it.
> It drives me crazy that it's hard to find water fountains. I was at
> an outdoor music festival yesterday. There were plenty of outdoor
> booths selling cool food. They all sold sodas and water. It burns me
> to buy water, but it was a hot day, and I hadn't thought to have
> bottles in the car. Ideally, I'd be able to fill the bottles and
> leave them in the car without needing to remember them, but that
> doesn't work in the winter when they'd freeze and thaw constantly, and
> it doesn't work in the summer where I'd worry about a washed and
> refilled bottle harboring bacteria after sitting in a hot car for
> weeks.

I keep a case of water (or some part of one) in my trunk. First, it's
there when I'm out, thirsty, and not in a store or other place where I
can conveniently get some. Second, it's a backup for when the water
gets turned off here without the shutoff being announced; because it's
in the car, it's more prone to *be* there than if I kept it in the house
because if it were right under my finger here I'd use it up more

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