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cybercat cybercat is offline
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Default Leftover Braised Sirloin Tip

Didn't feel like going to the store, so I improvised.

About a pound of beef, 2 packages ramen noodles, a bit of red pepper jelly,
Szechuan seasoning (in a packet, Sunbird I think), a large can of sliced
mushrooms and a whole red bell pepper.

I just cooked the noodles, put the juice from the braising pot in the noodle
pot as they drained, plus the inevitable bits of white fat that has
collected on the surface as it chilled, chopped up the red pepper, dumped in
the can of mushrooms, and kind of stir-fried in the pot, meaning heated on
high for a short period of time. As the juice reduced I tossed in the pepper
jelly and half the packet of Szechuan seasoning, then the beef, which I had
pulled apart, then the noodles, and a bit more seasoning for the noodles as
I mixed.

It was really good! I had wanted some broc to put in but we were out, it
would be good that way but was just fine with just the peppers and

I give it two chins up!