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Julia Altshuler Julia Altshuler is offline
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Posts: 1,675
Default Best Homemade Southern Biscuits Ever!

Becca wrote:

> It is great that you are drinking lots of water, they say (who are these
> people anyway?) that water is good for us.

Here's the best information I know on the idea that water is good for us:

It doesn't quite answer who the people are who say that water is good
for us, but it comes close. Water, by itself, when we're not
necessarily thirsty, isn't necessarily good for us. The time when water
IS good for us is when we're thirsty, or it's hot out, and we've been
sweating, or when we've been exercising. Then water is great. And if
plain tap water isn't available, then paying for water that we DO want
is better than paying for soda that we don't want.
