Best Homemade Southern Biscuits Ever!
Bobo Bonobo® wrote:
> Those people are still out there. People give their small children
> skim milk.
> I want my child to LIKE milk, and to ask for it, even though there is
> diet soda in the fridge as well. I can't see myself having ever
> preferring skim milk to any other beverage, whereas whole milk is just
> the opposite. I limit it because of calories, but if I didn't care
> about being overweight, I'd drink it like my wife (who is very thin)
> does, 3 or 4 gallons a week.
> * Robert Atkins for one
I gave my kids whole milk until they were about three years old, then I
switched them over to the skim that their dad and I preferred, with
their pediatrician's blessings. Skim milk was not entirely unfamiliar
to them. Anything we drank around the kids wound up being tasted by the
kids as well. The transition was pretty much painless, both of the kids
switched over without comment or reduction of intake, and their appetite
for meats, grains, fruits and vegetables increased.
The kids are 16 and 12. Our family of 4 goes through about 9 gallons a
week of skim milk. The kids like skim milk just fine and I've actually
seen them retch when served whole milk without advance warning. It's
all in what you get used to.