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Nexis Nexis is offline
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Default Dinner Tonight--what did *you* make?

Had a strange craving for turkey. My daughter has spent the last 45 minutes telling
me how it is not Thanksgiving, as if I couldn't figure that out on my own! lol It was
relatively cool here today, so I figured, why not?

Rather than make a whole bird, I bought a 1/2 breast and a couple thighs. Threw
together a quick bread dressing (wheat bread, onions, celery, butter, egg, chicken
stock, poultry seasoning, rosemary, and lots of black pepper), and laid the meat atop
and put it in the oven. Took the other 2 thighs and set them to simmering with some
onion and celery and stock for gravy.

Figuring on making green beans with shallots and some smashed yukons to round it out.

What did you have...and what was your weather like today?

"I think that's my bathing suit. Is that one of my bathing suits? That is totally my
bathing suit"