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Dee Dee Dee Dee is offline
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Default Need a recommendation for a cucumber

"Julia Altshuler" > wrote in message
> Puester wrote:
>> Got garlic? got yogurt?
>> Seed the cucumber well, chop or grate coarsely, salt, drain, rinse, add
>> garlic, yogurt, ground pepper and make tsatsiki.

> This is probably a stupid question, but here goes. How do you drain a
> cucumber? I squeeze excess moisture from grated zucchini by putting a
> little salt on it, letting it sit for a half hour, then rinsing and
> squeezing. Is it the same principle?
> --Lia

For me, it is the same as for an eggplant or zucchini. However, with a
cucumber, I peel it, cut it lengthwise into 4 pieces, then I slice out the
seeds. At that point, I chop each long piece into slices. Slicing out the
seeds, is just my way of doing it, like some squeeze out the seeds a tomato
keeping it from being too juicy.

A tip that some do use, is that they cut the cucumber into two long pieces,
then use a melon ball-er to scrape out the seeds. Just another way to get
the seeds out.

I forget what vegetable I saw on ATK (America's Test Kitchen) the other day
that they added salt to, but I was amazed at the amount of water that came
out in 20 MINUTES. (Senior moment - sorry.)

Dee Dee