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Melba's Jammin' Melba's Jammin' is offline
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Default Ping Barb Refrigerator pickle advice

In article >,
"Janet B." > wrote:

> I can find recipes for refrigerator pickles, that's not the problem. I want
> to know if there is a specific acid, sugar, water, salt etc. ratio. I mean,
> is it important since the pickles are refrigerated and not canned and only
> held for a period of a month or at most two while you consume them? My
> mother had a recipe for a pickle that I really liked, but I've never made it
> because it was a really old recipe that was "canned" in the oven. Can I use
> her measurements and seasonings to make a refrigerator pickle?
> Janet

The only current "rule" I know is that if you're going to use water, you
should have an equal measure (or more) of vinegar. Capisce?
Canned in the oven, huh? I shudder.

What kind of pickle are you making? Sweet (like a fake bread and butter
pickle)? Dill? My B&Bs can easily be refrigerator-stored without
processing, but there's some prep involved (including heating the
brine/syrup). My B&Bs don't involve water beyond the residual from
soaking in ice and salt.

If they're in vinegar, they ought to keep "a long time" (technical term)
in the fridge without spoilage.
-Barb, Mother Superior, HOSSSPoJ - story and
pics of Ronald McDonald House dinner posted 6-24-2007