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Becca Becca is offline
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Default Best Homemade Southern Biscuits Ever!

Julia Altshuler wrote:

> Becca wrote:
>> It is great that you are drinking lots of water, they say (who are
>> these people anyway?) that water is good for us.

> Here's the best information I know on the idea that water is good for us:
> It doesn't quite answer who the people are who say that water is good
> for us, but it comes close. Water, by itself, when we're not
> necessarily thirsty, isn't necessarily good for us. The time when water
> IS good for us is when we're thirsty, or it's hot out, and we've been
> sweating, or when we've been exercising. Then water is great. And if
> plain tap water isn't available, then paying for water that we DO want
> is better than paying for soda that we don't want.
> --Lia

When you are hot and thirsty, nothing tastes better than ice cold water.
Thanks for the link.
