Danny Kaye Changed Family Life By Cooking
"hahabogus" > wrote in message
> Around here all the frshly retired sell their houses and move out into
> the country...To my way of thinking that's stupid...you are getting
> older...the need for medical help and easy shopping is in the city...why
> make it harder on yourself and move further away. Not that you or ron fit
> that bill now but who can say in 10 years.
This subject is very deep.
Even in the country, there are many, many agencies getting the elderly where
they need to go for anything. Elderly that need help whether in the city,
or country, do not take the bus, taxi to shop on their own; they depend on
whatever agencies and family is available to them. Driving 30 miles in the
country takes make 40 minutes. Waiting on a bus or whatever in the city may
take 40 minutes. Dear f-i-l chose his assisted (gracious!) living apartment
because it was closer to the action ;-), but he doesn't take any public
transportation to shop and visit his many medical doctors; he needs help to
get wherever.
I don't think it makes a lot of difference, country or city, depending what
shape one is in as an elderly.
Dee Dee