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anTonOMasia anTonOMasia is offline
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Posts: 21
Default The "Joy of Cooking" again

* anTonOMasia wrote, On 31/07/07 05:28 PM:
> * Otto Bahn wrote, On 31/07/07 01:53 PM:
>> "notbob" > wrote in message
>> . ..
>>> On 2007-07-31, Otto Bahn > wrote:
>>>>> The Joy of Japanese Cooking
>>>>> Escoffier, Elements of Fine Cooking
>>>>> Kuhn Rikon RFC Pies and Pastries at the Academy (CCA before it sold
>>>>> out)
>>>> Why do you hate American cuisine?
>>> What the Hell are you talking about? At least three of my books deal
>>> almost exclusively with American cuisine. The Kuhn Rikon cookbook has
>>> mostly classic American dishes like split pea soup and pot roast and
>>> the like.

>> Kuhn Rikon? There's your first clue. Just because some
>> Japanese cook does some American dishes doesn't make it American cuisine.
>>> Let's face it, only stupid Americans would pay $200 for
>>> pressure cooker. What do you think the rfc cookbook is? Chinese?
>>> The last time I checked, apple pie was the epitome of American
>>> cuisine.

>> Who publishes the RFC cookbook? I've never heard of it.

> That would be "The Internet Society",, available in man flavours.

manY. MANY flavours. FRkhjaking keyboard!


anTon O'Masia [ antonomasia <at> gmail <dot> com ]