I've just signed up!
Michael "Dog3" Lonergan wrote:
> "Virginia Tadrzynski" > dropped this turd
> : in rec.food.cooking
>>Be careful Michael, she has the inside to all those secret rituals at
>>St. Pectina's........she may put a curse on you and all your souffles
>>will fall. Either that or she will have George visit you in pearls and
>>heels with a band of knuck draggers to pickle you and enter you in a
>>fair somewhere. Be careful who you cross......a kind word to your
>>ear, ya know. -ginny
> LOL... thanks for the tip. I'm sure she would like to get her hands on me,
> stuff me in a big jar and pickle me with martinis. She could enter me in
> the fair as "drunken fruit".
> Michael
LOL! I'm glad I wasn't sipping on a mint julep when I read that.