Default User > wrote:
>James Silverton wrote:
>Nothing to do with your message, but one of your headers is set to:
>> Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset="windows-1256";
>Char set windows-1256 is Arabic. Lately I've seen posts set to Greek
>and ISO-Hebrew, but all English content.
The windows-1256 encoding has the usual Latin (English,
etc.) alphabet in upper and lowercase for the usual
ASCII-code values, then has arabic script glyphs for a
number of the higher codes.
Here's a translation table:
And here's the table for iso-8859-1 (windows-28591),
the default for standard webpages:
The first 128 codes are identical in the two tables.
Most of the latter 128 are not, but a few are.