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jmcquown jmcquown is offline
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Default Just bought 12 pounds of country-style pork spare ribs.

kilikini wrote:
> Mitch Scherer wrote:
>> I have tried various rubs and seasonings and have come to use none in
>> the initial grilling. Not even salt or pepper until the final half
>> hour or so of grilling. For this final step, I remove the foil and
>> baste with my favorite sauce, which is about one part Woody's Cooking
>> Sauce concentrate and four parts Chris and Pitts barbecue sauce. I
>> often round the sauce off with some cayenne pepper and maple syrup
>> and other seasonings. I don't use too much sauce or spice, just a
>> very thin glaze. The pork flavor is fantastic and cooking in foil
>> makes it falling-off-the-bone tender.
>> Mitch

> When you wrap ribs in foil, you're essentially steaming them; not
> grilling or smoking them. We only use foil on our ribs after the
> cooking is finished to help hold the temperature while the ribs rest.
> To each his/her own.
> kili

You're right, kili. I do ribs low and slow. I don't smoke them, I grill
them, although sometimes I throw some soaked hickory chips on the coals. I
can't cook 12 lbs. of ribs (I'm surprised no one has pointed out
country-style ribs, while tasty, aren't spare ribs) at a time on my Weber
kettle. But I can still do the indirect method and grill them slowly,
covered, off the direct coals for an extended period of time. I generally
brush spare ribs with a small amount of oil and then rub them with a little
salt, pepper and dried marjoram prior to grilling.
