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Joe Cilinceon Joe Cilinceon is offline
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Posts: 305
Default Just bought 12 pounds of country-style pork spare ribs.

"Curt Nelson" <X> wrote in message
. ..
> Hi everybody:
> Well, this is my trial by fire. Never tried doing ribs before and now it's
> time. The good news is my best friend is a grilling guru and I have some
> very good guidance.
> Was at Cash and Carry this morning and they had cryovac spare ribs on sale
> for $1.47/lb. (!) Been meaning to do ribs for quite some time and figured
> that, for that price, now's the time. My general plan is more or less the
> same as an Alton Brown show I taped:
> Make yourself a good rub from scratch. Rub your pork liberally. Wrap your
> racks in HD aluminum foil let things sit overnight. Create a flavorful
> braising liquid and pour into your foil-wrapped pig. Do 'em in the oven at
> about 250, checking after about three hours to see where you're at.
> Here's where I plan to depart from AB's urban formula:
> When the ribs are about 90% done, I'm going to move them to my grill and
> finish 'em off there on low heat with smoke. BTW, I'm using gas and am
> thinking of heating things wide open until there's a good smoke going from
> my chips, and *then* putting the ribs on and dropping the heat to low...
> low. I'm thinking that I'll get a decent carmelization on the pork with
> and a bit of smoke with the initial heat blast while the temperature is
> dropping to a reasonable level.
> While that's happening, I plan on reducing the braising liquid to a glaze
> on the stove or the side burner and brushing it back onto the ribs in the
> last ten minutes or so of cooking.
> Anyway, that's my plan. I've never done ribs before but I figure it can't
> be much different than any other cooking. If you use the best ingredients,
> pay attention and care about what you're doing... and don't overcook it,
> things generally turn out better than you imagined.
> I'll let you know how it goes. BTW, I live two blocks from one of the
> great spice houses in the U.S., so I've got that base covered. The rub
> should be awesome. We'll see.
> Hasta,
> Curt Nelson

I highly suggest you smoke them before cooking in the oven about 1 hour
minimum. I do mine in my smoker at about 210 to 220 degrees. They turn out
fall off the bone tender. If doing it in the oven then look into a oven type
smoker, with one brand being Cameron but I'm sure there are others.

I have made them in the oven also but don't even consider smoking after
cooking a while.

Joe Cilinceon