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Pandora Pandora is offline
external usenet poster
Posts: 1,916
Default It's fabulous!!! The moth killer and the "carneficine" Pic.

Every year I find in the dresser where I have my flours, a lot of monstruous
butterfly: the food moth. And every year I must throw away a lot of flour
and pasta and rice.
This year, I have seen the pubblicity on TV of a good product. I have try it
and I Am very satisfied. You must think that I have seen all those little
animals attached on the paper (the product in question). The paper is sticky
and full of the animal's feromone. So
I have thwarted an infestation!!!! And when today I have cleaned the dresser
I was very surprised to see that my pasta and rice was wonderfully intact,
although some of them was expired
Look at this pic, so you know who are the monsters and the carneficine in
object! Be sure you are hard of stomach to see this awful pic.

And this is the product. I have chosen an english web site.

Do you know it?
