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Default Recipe searches on google groups

Christine Dabney wrote:

> Hiya folks,
> I was trying to google for the posts (and recipe) about Kay's
> margarita's today. In the past, I have been able to pull it up
> easily.
> However it seems google is only looking back about a year now. Is
> this something new? When I google for Kay Hartman's posts, I get no
> responses at all. Nada.
> Can some of the rest of you try to google for older recipes, etc? This
> is very frustrating.

Groups search has been wacky and inconsistent for some time now. One
thing that seems to make a difference is your SafeSearch setting. If
it's on "strict", then lots of posts aren't found, even though there
doesn't seem to be anything in them that should cause a problem.


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