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Omelet Omelet is offline
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Default No Money - No Food

In article >,
"jmcquown" > wrote:

> > Room mates.

> Egads NO! I would *never* recommend this to anyone. First of all, a larger
> dwelling may be required to accomodate a roommate. Sounds hunky dorey
> except it you're already out more money for your share of the rent and
> utilities from the get-go. In the situations I've seen with some of my
> friends (this was years ago) their roommate arrangement started off fine.
> Then they started getting bad and eventually wound up awful. This was true
> even if the roommates had known each other for years prior. (You almost
> have to look at getting a roommate as akin to getting married.)
> You have to worry about whether or not they're going to pay their share of
> the rent and other bills on time. You have to worry about whether their
> significant other is suddenly spending so much time there it seems they've
> moved in, yet they aren't contributing a damn thing to the household. You
> have to worry about the roommate inviting all sorts of people over, many of
> whom you don't know, despite any agreements to the contrary. And if their
> SO is there a lot, you get to deal with them inviting *their* friends over,
> too. You also have to worry about them suddenly moving out, leaving you
> stuck either with all the rent or with the chore of finding another
> roommate.
> Having said that, I've also known a couple of people who rented a room with
> a private bath and kitchen priviledges in a private home. The homeowners
> were mature, settled people. The friends doing the renting weren't wild &
> crazy party people so this type of arrangment worked out just fine for them.
> I've heard more horror stories than good ones, though.
> Jill

The thing is, sometimes you have no choice...

Even with the increase, minimum wage is not a living wage.
Peace, Om

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