2.99/20lb Rancher @ Home Depot in Delaware!!
John Reber wrote:
> I don't know what you guys/gals think of Original Charcoal Companies
> 'Rancher' briquettes, but Home Depot in Bear DE has it for $2.99/20lb bag.
That's a hell of a deal for great charcoal.
> It was $4.99 a couple of weeks ago and we picked up a couple of bags to
> try. After lighting some Kingsford and then lighting some Rancher, both
> in Chimneys, my wife commented on the nice 'wood' smell from the Rancher
> as opposed to what ever you would call the odor from Kingsford.
> Tried it overnight using the Minion method and it burnt all night long.
> Since it was raining and we were going food shopping afterwards, I could
> only fit 6 bags inside of my truck, but will be back tonight.
I bought 10 bags at $5/ea; if my local HD has it for $3, I'll
find room for at least 10 more. Great stuff.