"Melba's Jammin'" > wrote in message
> In article >,
> "jmcquown" > wrote:
>> I just heard about the I-35 West bridge between Minneapolis and St. Paul
>> collapsing, sending cars plunging into the Mississippi River. Please check
>> in and let us know you're okay!
>> Jill
> We are fine, The bridge is about 17 miles north of us. It is one Rob
> crosses to go to the University and that I cross to visit my family on
> that end of town. It's a f*cking catastrophe. Emergency crews are
> performing like champs. Thanks for asking.
> --
> -Barb, Mother Superior, HOSSSPoJ
> http://www.jamlady.eboard.com - story and
> pics of Ronald McDonald House dinner posted 6-24-2007
SO glad to hear it, Barb. I was on the phone earlier with Sheila, who had been
calling her kids and my brothers to make sure they were all ok too. My heart goes out
to everyone involved, especially the missing and deceased.