In article >,
"kilikini" > wrote:
> Melba's Jammin' wrote:
> > In article >,
> > "jmcquown" > wrote:
> >
> >> I just heard about the I-35 West bridge between Minneapolis and St.
> >> Paul collapsing, sending cars plunging into the Mississippi River.
> >> Please check in and let us know you're okay!
> >>
> >> Jill
> >
> > We are fine, The bridge is about 17 miles north of us. It is one Rob
> > crosses to go to the University and that I cross to visit my family on
> > that end of town. It's a f*cking catastrophe. Emergency crews are
> > performing like champs. Thanks for asking.
> Wow, I haven't had the news on, so thanks for reporting this Jill. Barb, I
> hope your family and friends are okay. Anyone else in the area, I also pray
> for your loved ones.
> kili
Thanks, Kili.
I mailed this to a friend this morning:
I've just been watching a news conference at Hennepin County Medical
Center -- a Level 1 trauma center and a teaching hospital downtown. Way
interesting! They practice this stuff several times a year, I gather.
First thing the ER folks had to do was decide the severity of the
"disaster." They don't do the determination casually because it calls
up serious resources and personnel. They paged out a Code Orange
disaster, which called in all the nurses and surgeons (don't know
who/what else). Doc said, "Then we did what we are trained to do."
They cleared 25 ICU beds in 30 minutes! I don't know about you, but
that impresses the hell out of me. Due to HIPAA regulations, docs said
almost nothing about the hospitalized. Reporters tried to rephrase, but
he was pretty firm with "those are all individual cases which we cannot
comment on."
People helping people was an important part -- 60 pre-teens/early teens
were rescued -- some injuries, some serious, mostly bruises. The bus
being stopped by a guardrail saved their bacon. One reporter was
trying to get to "the area" and was stopped by a "citizen" who said,
"The police have told people to stay away from the area, to not come
down, so I'm not letting you get past me." LOL! Love it. Good
My grandnephew (firefighter in training, EMT, paramedic) is part of the
dive team. He just got certified on Tuesday. :-)
Glen Taylor, MN Timberwolves owner, was holding a news conference to
discuss the trade of Kevin Garnett to Boston Celtics and learned his
granddaughter was involved in the collapse. He was pretty emotional and
said she's ok.
Death counts are varying -- last night some were saying 9; this morning
the Mpls Police Chief says they can confirm four. They had folks
checking hospitals based on car license registrations for the cars on
the bridge and in the water.
Local tv stations are,,; --
all will likely have pics and stories you won't see or hear on CNN or
the Today show. I'm proud to be a Minnesotan.
CNN has a video from a security camera of the bridge dropping.
Thanks for asking.
-Barb, Mother Superior, HOSSSPoJ - story and
pics of Ronald McDonald House dinner posted 6-24-2007