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Phred Phred is offline
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Posts: 1,107
Default Yank supermarket

In article >, PeterLucas > wrote:
(Phred) wrote in
>> In article >,
>> PeterLucas > wrote:
(Phred) wrote in news:5he8ajF3ka688U3
>>>Even as an Aussie, I don't see the relevence.

>> It wasn't meant to have relevence; it was relevance. ;-)

>At this time of the morning...... BFD.
>>>And....... trim the links so that they open with the minimum of
>>>fuss...... ie, all we have to do is click on them, rather than crop,
>>>copy, paste.

>>>Have you heard of ???

>> Yep. I use it all the time if a link is longer than a single line.

>So why didn't you use them the first time?

Because the friggin' URLs weren't wrapped around when I *sent* them,
so they weren't necessary AFAIWC.

>> (But I also usually include the full URL as a future reference point,
>> and for those who don't trust tinyURLs.)

>I'm glad to see you cleaned up your links, and posted tinyurls with
>Sometimes all one needs is a swift kick in the arse to get one moving in
>the right direction.
>I'm glad to be of service to you.

You were too late to be of any use in this case; but I'll keep you in
mind if I need a drinks waiter in future. (Though your reputation for
tardiness may count against that opportunity for you. 8-)

Cheers, Phred.
