Yank supermarket
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Yank supermarket
(Phred) wrote in
> In article >,
> PeterLucas > wrote:
(Phred) wrote in
>>> In article >,
>>> PeterLucas > wrote:
(Phred) wrote in news:5he8ajF3ka688U3
>>>>Even as an Aussie, I don't see the relevence.
>>> It wasn't meant to have relevence; it was relevance. ;-)
>>At this time of the morning...... BFD.
>>>>And....... trim the links so that they open with the minimum of
>>>>fuss...... ie, all we have to do is click on them, rather than crop,
>>>>copy, paste.
>>>>Have you heard of
>>> Yep. I use it all the time if a link is longer than a single line.
>>So why didn't you use them the first time?
> Because the friggin' URLs weren't wrapped around when I *sent* them,
> so they weren't necessary AFAIWC.
Have another glass of Chatueau Cardboard.
>>> (But I also usually include the full URL as a future reference
>>> point, and for those who don't trust tinyURLs.)
>>I'm glad to see you cleaned up your links, and posted tinyurls with
>>Sometimes all one needs is a swift kick in the arse to get one moving
>>in the right direction.
>>I'm glad to be of service to you.
> You were too late to be of any use in this case; but I'll keep you in
> mind if I need a drinks waiter in future. (Though your reputation for
> tardiness may count against that opportunity for you. 8-)
You seem to have a time correlation problem.
Maybe tomorrow afternoon when you've sobered and can see that you've got
a foot stuck firmly in your mouth, you might be able to understand what
was being said.
Peter Lucas
"People sleep safely in their beds because rough men stand ready in
the night to do violence to those who would do them harm"
-- George Orwell
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