Frenchy wrote:
> My son aged 12 at the time, on a trip with us to the Philippines wanted to
> try one. They are on sale everywhere at close to dusk with young boys
> selling them out of a bucket of hot sand.
> My son dutifully munched away and my wife and I tried not to throw up.
> About 30 minutes later, son says "What do I do with the feet" and pokes
> small complete duck feet out through his lips.
> Darling wife screamed!
> And no, my son would never try them again!
> But it is considered macho by Philippinos for tourists visiting the Phils to
> try Balut. My son knew that and that was his incentive.
> Frenchy
Were the "natives" suitably impressed by your DS's display of machismo?
My curious mind would like to know