PING! Minneapolis/St. Paul RFC Posters
Gregory Morrow wrote:
> Pete C. wrote:
> > MareCat wrote:
> >
> > > "Pete C." > wrote in message
> > ...
> >
> > > > The billions sent to Iraq are a drop in the bucket and while not being
> > > > particularly well spent are at least being thrown in the direction of a
> > > > very real threat.
> >
> > > What threat???
> >
> > Religious extremists / terrorists. Keep them busy there and it's hard
> > for them to get to us here.
> I've almost come to the conclusion that the best thing we could do is
> withdraw from that whole mess and leave the whole lot of them to their
> insane intercinine devices...they can spend the next few centuries
> fighting amongst themselves (it's all they know how to do). It's
> simply not worth the amount of spilled blood and squandered treasure
> that the US and it's allies have poured into the place...
That would certainly be nice, unfortunately we've provided their
immature culture / collapsed civilization with too much technology to be
able to keep them contained to their own little cesspool.
> Our presence there simply adds more fuel to an already raging fire, if
> we withdrew we in the West would be *somewhat* less of a target...
Only an illusion, if we withdraw we won't see them for a while... while
they continue to arm and plan for their assault on us.
> I used to think that our presence there could do some good, but it
> makes no matter when you are dealing with a bunch of backwards
> religious psychotics (which ALL muslims are)...
Actually it's all religious zealots, regardless of the religion that are
the threat to global civilization. The muslims are just the most visible
example at the moment.
> Let's put it this way: the muslims/Arabs. in the Middle East can't
> even manage their OWN affairs (the only successful country in the
> whole huge area is Israel), as long as they are squabbling amongst
> themselves they won't have the time or resources to target us in the
> secular West...
If only it was that simple where we could just leave them to continue
killing each other and keep them contained in their little oil filled
> [As for Iran, the best thing to put them into their place might be for
> the US and Israel to arrange a little nuclear "demonstration" over one
> of their secondary cities. That would nicely put the kibbosh on the
> budding Iranian nuclear threat. This is something that needs to be
> addressed - NOW...we don't want to repeat the mistake of Munich
> 1938.]
Yea, that's another problem with no easy solution.
Pete C.