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PeterLucas[_4_] PeterLucas[_4_] is offline
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Default PING! Minneapolis/St. Paul RFC Posters

Dave Smith > wrote in

>> Instead of looking at the outside of the rim, look at the hub.... you
>> moron.

> Only a moron would think that made sense in this context.

Your simplistic view of the world is showing.

>> OMG!! Breaking news!! The US Govt held and *Australian* citizen in
>> Gitmo after he was caught on the 'other' side in Afghanistan.

> Was that before or after they found an American fighting with the
> Taliban? For that matter, there have been quite a few American Muslims
> fighting jihad in various places, Afghanistan, Chechneya, Iraq....
>> He went there, and he trained there, like the Saudis did.


Do you even get a clue now?

You asked a question "How many Afghans and Iraqis were on the hijacked

I'll ask you this.

Who trained and equipped the scum that hijacked the planes?

Think about this for a moment..... it doesn't matter where the
terrorists originate from, it's who trains them and equips them to do
their cowardly work. You take the hub out, the spokes fall out, and the
rim falls off. If you just take the rim out, it can be replaced.


Peter Lucas

"People sleep safely in their beds because rough men stand ready in
the night to do violence to those who would do them harm"
-- George Orwell