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Dave Smith[_2_] Dave Smith[_2_] is offline
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Default PING! Minneapolis/St. Paul RFC Posters

"Pete C." wrote:

> > Yes, there were some WMDs in the country. For some reason the US had no
> > problem with Saddam having and using chemical weapons on the Iranians back
> > in the 80s. they even gave them satellite intelligence to help them use
> > their chemical shells more efficiently. The weapons inspectors did find
> > some obsolete CW supplies and destroyed them.

> The UNSCOM inspectors found large chemical weapons production facilities
> and somewhat smaller biological weapons production facilities. They
> found very large stockpiles of ready to use chemical weapons and barrels
> of chemical agent. They also found the beginnings of nuclear weapons
> development facilities (gas centrifuges).

When did they find them? BEFORE the invasion. They had everything. There
was no more.

> The UN teams completed destruction of the production facilities and had
> begun destruction of the stockpiles when Saddam kicked them out.

You didn't read the timeline very well did you. The UN pulled them out
because the US was planning air strikes.

> A decade later when Saddam let the UN inspectors back in under threat of
> attack by Bush, the inspectors were unable to locate the remaining
> stockpiles they had inventoried years earlier.

They were pulled out by the UN in late 1998 and they were back in early
2002. That is a hell of a short decade.

> > They also had problems with
> > some of the missiles that the Iraqis had been building or modifying. That
> > was before the invasion, before Bush's ultimatum. Bush went ahead with the
> > invasion based on allegations of a vast arsenal of WMDS that they were not
> > able to find after they invaded.

> The only part you got right there was that the remaining stockpiles of
> WMDs have still not been located or accounted for.

If there was enough proof of their presence they should not have had
trouble finding them.