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Default (2007-07-02) New survey on the RFC site: Balut (follow up to 'Picking on eggs')

On Aug 2, 9:09 am, ChattyCathy > wrote:
> PeterLucas wrote:
> > Life is *waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay* to phuken short to not try
> > everything.

> > I don't want to be lying on a hospital bed, with days left to go, saying
> > "****, I wish I had done this or that".

> > I want to lay there and go "WoooHooo, what a ****ing ride!!"

> Somehow, I just cannot believe that I will be lying on my deathbed and
> thinking "F***, I am gonna die without trying a balut"
> --
> Cheers
> Chatty Cathy

Grammar correction, cathy.... you don't say "a" balut. It's "balut",
plain and simple.

In any case.... given my limited experience with balut, it's not
universally liked among the Filipinos I know. I haven't ever heard
one single person who has tried it say it's worth a do over. Given
the choice, all would decline (think about munching on pin feathers
and cartilage). They call it a "delicacy", but it's not anything most
people (who aren't driven by extreme hunger - unless you're Peter
Lucas) will touch with a ten foot pole w/o being under the influence
of something.

Going back to the origins.... starving people are driven to eat what
non-starving people won't, if that makes any sense.