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jmcquown jmcquown is offline
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Posts: 6,726
Default It's SAD (but utterly predictable) PING! Minneapolis/St. Paul RFC Posters

Pete C. wrote:
> Stan Horwitz wrote:
>> In article >, "Pete C."
>> > wrote:
>>> jmcquown wrote:
>>>> I just heard about the I-35 West bridge between Minneapolis and
>>>> St. Paul collapsing, sending cars plunging into the Mississippi
>>>> River. Please check in and let us know you're okay!

> The billions sent to Iraq are a drop in the bucket and while not being
> particularly well spent are at least being thrown in the direction of
> a very real threat. A good chunk of our tax dollars are being wasted
> on well intentioned but counterproductive "humanitarian aid". The
> largest portion of our tax dollars however are being wasted right
> here in the US.

.... so very sad, that some people are doing the very thing they've been
railing against in this thread - suddenly ignoring the bridge collapse, the
tragedy of the injured, the casualties and their grieving families and
friends. Instead it's been turned into a *rabid* political debate. (sigh)
