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On Fri, 3 Aug 2007 00:20:46 +0000 (UTC), PeterLucas >

>Dave Smith > wrote in
>>> Instead of looking at the outside of the rim, look at the hub.... you
>>> moron.

>> Only a moron would think that made sense in this context.

>Your simplistic view of the world is showing.
>>> OMG!! Breaking news!! The US Govt held and *Australian* citizen in
>>> Gitmo after he was caught on the 'other' side in Afghanistan.

>> Was that before or after they found an American fighting with the
>> Taliban? For that matter, there have been quite a few American Muslims
>> fighting jihad in various places, Afghanistan, Chechneya, Iraq....
>>> He went there, and he trained there, like the Saudis did.


>Do you even get a clue now?
>You asked a question "How many Afghans and Iraqis were on the hijacked
>I'll ask you this.
>Who trained and equipped the scum that hijacked the planes?
>Think about this for a moment..... it doesn't matter where the
>terrorists originate from, it's who trains them and equips them to do
>their cowardly work. You take the hub out, the spokes fall out, and the
>rim falls off. If you just take the rim out, it can be replaced.

what i don't 'comprende' is why we attacked iraq when none of the
hijackers were from there, nor were they trained there. but that made
no never-mind to 'hit 'em where they ain't' bush.

your pal,