(2007-07-02) New survey on the RFC site: Balut (follow up to 'Picking on eggs')
In article >,
PeterLucas > wrote:
> > I might be coerced into trying it if I was drunk.
> >
> > VERY drunk! ;-)
> How about *VERY* hungry, deep in the mountains of Malaysia?
> We thought we were extremely lucky to run across a village that had eggs
> and seafood for sale!!
> (It's where I learnt I have the constitution of a mongrel dog ;-)
> It's also where several of my friends learnt not to eat seafood unless
> you can see the ocean :-)
> *And* not to buy food from somewhere that doesn't even have
> electricity!!
> The calamari satays didn't bother me....... bit of a rumble, fart, and a
> dump and I was fine. They were sick for days!!
> --
> Peter Lucas
There are other things to eat...
Spoiled/fermented meat can kill you if you don't have the constitution
for it. Dysentery has killed many humans thru history.
Peace, Om
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"My mother never saw the irony in calling me a Son of a bitch" -- Jack Nicholson