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Paul M. Cook Paul M. Cook is offline
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Default the fundamental difference between left

"Bobo Bonobo®" > wrote in message
> On Aug 3, 7:27 pm, "cybercat" > wrote:
>> "Peter A" > wrote in message
>> ...
>> > In article >, says...
>> >> One day a florist goes to a barber for a haircut. After the cut he
>> >> asked
>> >> about his bill and the barber replies, "I cannot accept money from
>> >> you.
>> >> I'm
>> >> doing community service this week."
>> >> The florist is pleased and leaves the
>> >> shop.

>> >> Next morning when the barber goes to open his shop, there is a thank
>> >> you
>> >> card and a dozen roses waiting for him at his door.

>> > <snipped>

>> > I love jokes and appreciate your posting. However, it would be a lot
>> > better if you posted jokes that were at least a little bit funny and
>> > had
>> > at least a vague relationship to reality.

>> I'm a raging Dem and I thought it was funny.

> I found it a bit amusing too, but mostly it's crappy conservative lie/
> reasoning. Her other post (the GA Tech fan) was funnier. The
> business advice in those Republican books should say to keep giving
> out free haircuts until you drive every other barber out of town, then
> raise your prices. Better yet, drive the other barbers out of
> business, then hire them to work for you at low prices, and let them
> do all the work, while you make big profits, then convince people to
> look up to you, respect you, and cut your taxes because you, the
> *owner*, "create jobs."
> --Bryan

A true republican businessman would convince the town to give him massive
tax breaks to grow his business. All with the promise of vast wealth being
returned to the community. Then he'd bribe a politician to expand the H1B
visa program to allow him to import slave labor barbers from India. Under
the threat of immediate deportation the barbers are forced to live in
squalor and work 20 hours a day and kick back most of their pay to their
slave master/boss. The businessman republican undercuts all other barbers
in town and soon he is the only one. He then raises his prices - double at
first then double that. He bribes his way into the local government and
gets an exclusive no-bid contract to provide haircuts to all government
workers - at a cost of 500.00 dollars per cut - all paid for by taxpayers.
The businessman gets rich then closes down his shop and leaves town taking
all the taxpayers money with him. He sets up shop in Dubai where he is able
to expatriate all his profits and never pay a nickel in taxes back to his
former country.
