Cindy Hamilton wrote:
> On Aug 1, 7:01 am, "jmcquown" > wrote:
>>> Room mates.
>> Egads NO! I would *never* recommend this to anyone.
> I wouldn't recommend it, either. But if it's what someone has to do
> in order
> to get by on their pay, then it's what they have to do.
I'll agree with that, but I wouldn't look at it as a long term solution for
the reasons cited in my post. I saw too many friends (again, years ago)
take on roommates and find themselves in a "fix". And under no uncertain
terms should any single person agree to move to a larger place simply to
take on a roommate who has children. Nothing against children, mind you,
but if you don't have children yourself you are liable to find yourself as a
babysitter-by-proxy when said roommate starts calling with excuses about why
they won't be home. Could you feed them? Bathe them? Put them to bed?
I'll be home soon, I promise!
A good friend of mine found herself in just such a situation. She didn't
count on having to be a babysitter; she had her own life. She finally gave
the woman 30 days notice to vacate (the roommate wasn't on the lease). Then
she moved into a smaller apartment she could afford by herself and gave up
the idea of roommates. And trust me, she wasn't rich. But she managed to
make it work without all the aggravation