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Phred Phred is offline
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Default Dr Demento [Was: Chuckle of the Day (8-3-7)]

In article >, blake murphy > wrote:
>On Fri, 03 Aug 2007 14:03:40 GMT, (Phred)
>>In article >, Andy <q> wrote:
>>Reminds me of the famous (?) song "Cows with guns".
>><> or, if you prefer the full bottle:
>>The President said "enough is enough
>>These uppity cattle, its time to get tough"
>>Cow dung flung
>>The newspapers gloated, folks sighed with relief
>>Tomorrow at noon, they would all be ground beef
>>Cows on buns
>>The cows were surrounded, they waited and prayed
>>They mooed their last moos,
>>they chewed their last hay
>>Cows out gunned
>>The order was given to turn cows to whoppers
>>Enforced by the might of ten thousand coppers
>>But on the horizon surrounding the shoppers
>>Came the deafening roar of chickens in choppers

>do you all get the dr. demento show down there in oz?

I haven't heard it AFAIK. However, my wireless (radio for those who
came in late is more or less permanently tuned to the ABC [Oz]
Local Radio network. I haven't heard it on that; but that's not to
say it's not on one of the other ABC networks (Triple J is probably
the most likely candidate) or one of the commercial stations.

A quick Google for "dr. demento", and a scan of the top link, namely

In full:

turned up the contents of Volume 2, which includes "The Purple People
Eater" -- talk about taking a bloke back to secondary school days!

Now I'm going to have to rummage around in music store CD bins!

Cheers, Phred.
