Not Set Hot Pepper Jam
On Jul 29, 2:13 pm, ScubaPix > wrote:
> My wife and I made a batch of hot pepper jam yesterday and a strange thing
> happened. After taking them out of the waterbath and letting them sit
> overnight, they were still VERY runny. I know, things can take up to 2
> weeks to set. But the strange thing is we put about 2 tablespoons full of
> the jam in a small bowl (it was what was left after filling the jars) and
> didn't BWB process it. Before the BWB was done, this stuff set up
> beautifully. So why didn't the BWB processed jars set up when cooled? Any
> ideas?
> PS I have all but 2 jars in the fridge as an experiment. They seem to be
> setting up some but not fully. The two jars left out are still runny.
I had that happen on year. I never got around to reboiling them and
thought I would just use them for bar-b-q glaze. Come 6 months later
I go to pull some out and do just that, and the dog gone things had
set up so hard it was almost like a thick candy. Go figure.