newbie questions
On 2 Aug 2007, at 17:48, Jon Salenger wrote:
> As I said, I'm still a noob. I was just repeating what I'd learned
> from
> sjohn, but dictionaries state that sourdough has to be sour. But,
> then
> again, that would make Dave's comments about sourdough not having
> to be
> sour incorrect, also. I guess I'd better start a definition thread, so
> we can all be on the same page as to what's being discussed.
> = j
That's because lexicographers aren't necessarily bakers. I wouldn't
go to a dictionary to learn about physics so why go to one to learn
about baking? You said it yourself Jon, you're new so why not just
ask question rather than trying to spread what you think you know?
Seems to me you'll get a better response and have more fun.