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Dave Smith[_2_] Dave Smith[_2_] is offline
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Default Breakfast this morning 08/04/2007

jmcquown wrote:

> Steve, you're dear to my heart. I've got several pounds of Stockholm Roast
> coffee in the cupboard and Popoyan Columbian Roast from when I subscribed to
> Gevalia Kafe and had various coffees from around the world delivered. I
> still drink it black so I have no clue about Lattes, Cappuccino, whatever.
> Real women drink coffee straight.

Do you always have coffee the same way? If I make coffee with the drip
machine or my French press or at a coffee shop I almost always have it
black. If it is in a restaurant and the coffee is not very good I may add
a little cream and sugar. I sometimes have an espresso straight up,
sometimes with just a little sugar.... just a little. Occasionally I may
add a dash of rum or whiskey to my coffee. Real people like a little
variety. :-)