the fundamental difference between left
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Peter A
external usenet poster
Posts: 1,442
the fundamental difference between left
In article .com>,
> I found it a bit amusing too, but mostly it's crappy conservative lie/
> reasoning. Her other post (the GA Tech fan) was funnier. The
> business advice in those Republican books should say to keep giving
> out free haircuts until you drive every other barber out of town, then
> raise your prices. Better yet, drive the other barbers out of
> business, then hire them to work for you at low prices, and let them
> do all the work, while you make big profits, then convince people to
> look up to you, respect you, and cut your taxes because you, the
> *owner*, "create jobs."
> --Bryan
A very accurate analysis IMO.
Peter Aitken
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Peter A
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