Thread: Canine Kleptos
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Dave Smith[_2_] Dave Smith[_2_] is offline
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Default Canine Kleptos

Michael \"Dog3\" Lonergan wrote:
> Not where I live. If it's left outside it's fair game for the 'coons and
> opossums. Of course my dog is legendary for her grill snatchings but she's
> never swiped a utensil. I've even seen tree rats snatch up a grilling fork
> once. He couldn't get a grip on it and dropped it but gave it his all.
> After dropping the fork he scampered back to the picnic table and latched
> onto a bologna sandwich and ran up a utility pole with it. The 'coons are
> the worst nuisance around here. They're greedy and really nosy. One never
> leaves the garage unattended after dark lest one of the little sneaks comes
> in to browse around.

I am surprised that we do not have a problem with racoons getting into our
garbage. It is kept in a bin behind the house. There are lots or racoons
around, and the two carcasses across the road would indicate the local
population is down by at least two. I still hear them across the street
almost every night when I let the dogs out before bedtime, and I often see
them along the road and I see lots of tracks in the field behind. It amazes
me that in the 30 years I have lived here we have never had a problem with
them. Maybe it is because it is a rural area and they can find enough to
eat without eating trash.

They can ne destructive little buggers. A family of them moved into a
friend's cottage one winter and really made a mess of the place.